

4年前經在PMI認識之好友Rose的介紹,認識了當時剛上任不久的Winnie會長。我其後加入了iProA參與了網路共融服務,發現信息共融行動的理念和自己一直想實行的十分吻合, 便一直請教深知但年輕之Yvonne。兩年前被副會長Witman帶領之委員會委任為無障礙優異網站之主席至今,希望可以在本港,向社會各界繼續推動信息共融之重要性。

在社會服務範圍之義務工作以外,我連同在iProA認識的兩個好拍檔Shirley和Lawrence,在總幹事Gary之大力支持下,創辦了iProA內獨一無二推動IT人跳出虛疑網路,親身體會人際網絡活動之興趣小組Offline Club。 這幾年間,我們已為各會員舉辦過幾十個大小不同之活動,讓他們互相認識,並增進了彼此之友誼。前年開始,我為香港政府舉辦之香港資訊及通訊科技獎︰最佳創新及研究獎當評審,當時帶領該項目之副會長Alex邀請我和另一會友Joseph率領一隊香港大學生團隊去成都參加2010泛珠三角安利杯大學生計算機作品賽,我隊更取得歷來最多獎項,滿載而回。 此外,我更參與了北京和上海之兩個IT界別之國情研習班,除了對國家認識加深了不少外,各同學包括Lawrence, Paul, Vincent, Wendy, Kenneth, Bernard, Chit, John, Tommi, Tom等等在活動後不斷有聯繫。日子有功,大家現在已經建立了深厚之友誼。

  • 無障礙輔助科技研發基金審批
  • 個人資料私隱條例諮詢和講座
  • 香港資訊及通訊科技獎︰最佳創新及研究獎當評審
  • 無障礙優異網站獎頒獎典禮
  • Offline Club APPy Hours
  • Cloud Computing (雲端運算)興趣小組之籌備工作
  • 2011年互聯網專業協會訪京團暨數字內容峰會
在此,我希望大家在日本地震和洩漏輻射之影響下仍然可以好好生活。現在是時候好好反思人類怎樣無知地破壞大自然。有人講,人生有幾個十年?那麼我們的藍天,是要多少個十年後才恢復? 是幾個十年前開始退色的呢?  


iProA Newsletter March 2011

Dear iProA Members & Friends,

Year of the Rabbit shows much more promise than any year since the global financial tsunami. Triggered by the strong regional economy many iProA members have been busy, yet still found time to serve the community at their precious leisure time. I have had the pleasure to serve the community on many iProA projects over the last four years. Now, it is my honor to be elected as a Council Member from the local IT elite. As a new Council Member as well as Chairman of the newly-established Cloud Computing Special Interest Group (SIG), I look forward to contributing even more to the Association and the community working closely with a strong team including you.

Thanks to the growth of the Internet and an increasingly reliable worldwide network, the benefits of cloud computing technology and the adoption of this system are ever more promising and evident in the world we work in. In the next few months, the Cloud Computing SIG shall assist our members and the industry to understand and master this technology by organizing a number of seminars, site visits and work groups.

As a "hard-core" IT person turned marketing and corporate training consultant, I deeply understand the importance of mastering good communication skills for IT veterans. With the trend in the migration of Information Technology (IT) to Business Technology (BT), I strongly encourage you to come join our iProA Offline Club networking events in a less formal setting where members get to make new friends and explore new areas of interest listening to our different guest speakers from across the industries. See you in our next event!

Best wishes,

Emil Chan

Chairman - Cloud Computing SIG
Co-Chairman - iProA Offline Club
Chairman - Webcare Award 2010

